Friday, August 25th, 2023

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I Am Not Your Negro (2016) - 5 out of 5 stars

James Baldwin: The story of the Negro in America is the story of America, and it is not a pretty story.

Here is a description of the movie, written by Jwelch5742 on IMDB:

In 1979, James Baldwin wrote a letter to his literary agent describing his next project, "Remember This House." The book was to be a revolutionary, personal account of the lives and assassinations of three of his close friends: Medgar Evers, Malcolm X and Martin Luther King, Jr. At the time of Baldwin's death in 1987, he left behind only 30 completed pages of this manuscript. Filmmaker Raoul Peck envisions the book James Baldwin never finished.

I admit struggling to find words for this film, as it is so important to tell stories which I have zero direct experience with. But it is a reminder that a movie which came out seven years ago about an intellectual who died almost forty years ago, and discusses the lives of three great men who died longer ago than that - is still timely and important today.

James Baldwin: Not everything that is faced can be changed. But nothing can be changed until it has been faced. History is not the past. It is the present. We carry our history with us. We are our history. If we pretend otherwise, we literally are criminals.

8/25/2023 6:40 pm | | Tags: movie, review, documentary, james baldwin, black lives matter, racism, us history

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