Saturday, September 30th, 2023

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Shakespeare's thoughts on social media

I wrote this several years ago and I am still quite proud of it

To Tweet or not to Tweet, that is the question

Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to hold

The slings and arrows of your 140 character indignation

Or to take action against a timeline of trolls,

And by opposing enter their onslaught; to delete the post, to send

No more; and by not sending, to say we end

The frustration; the thousand mental shocks

That our brains are heir to? ‘Tis a consummation

Devoutly to be wished. To not send; to logoff.

To logoff, perchance to escape; aye, therein lies the rub.

9/30/2023 4:47 am | | Tags: william shakespeare, social media

Automated Archives for September, 30th 2023

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Net Elo Change: -6

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9/30/2023 11:45 pm | | Tags: automated, chess
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