Tuesday, March 19th, 2024

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New XKCD Goes Hard

3/19/2024 1:52 pm | | Tags: webcomic, xkcd, biology, physics

There was a post which made the rounds, an article on Substack from a man who discusses his white nationalist beliefs and his disillusionment after moving to the Midwest. I can't bear to even link to the post. It's pure drivel.

He starts out discussing how he left white nationalism, but what the author means is that he stopped feeling it was necessary that he made it the defining feature of his personality, nor to go to the rallies, etc. He goes on and on about it, making it clear that he is still firmly rooted in it and just isn't driven to be politically active about it.

The segment which was getting traction was about him moving to the Midwest. But even then, people are laughing and I just shake my head. The guy was disillusioned because he felt superior to all the contented midwesterners, living simple lives without motivation to chase greater success or money. He even talked about them in racial terms, comparing them to Asians, and other "inferior" groups.

The article was repugnant and I feel sad that feelings like the author's are so common.

3/19/2024 10:19 pm | | Tags: white supremacy, racism, conservative, us politics, midwest

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3/19/2024 11:45 pm | | Tags: automated, chess
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