Quick Links this morning
Since I've been gone for so long, even before last weekend's vacation, I'm going to try and a new strategy for this blog, and perhaps it's silly given the structure of the blog. But, in an effort to enable posting with even less stress, this is going to be a rapid fire collection of links from this morning's readings online.
- Is 8 billion people too many or too few? (vox.com)
- Amber Wise PhD answers cannabis questions for Wired (youtube.com)
- What sites make current machine learning AI? (washingtonpost.com)
- Jack Black covers Wicked Game - It's sadly short, I saw it first on TikTok and went looking for the full concert it came from but it seems to be gated for SiriusXM subscribers.
- Ian McKellen reads a letter by Kurt Vonnegut
I don't know if it is worth it or not, but this was quick as I skimmed 300 entries in my RSS feed from the last day. We'll see if I keep it up or return to the normal style of posting.